Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello girls and boys!!.

Today is a great day, cuase we have the pleasure to speak with Alejo Cardenas, guitarist and scream vocals from the Colombian - USA band based in Los Angeles INHERITOR.

- FEMALE METAL RADIO : Greetings Alejo and thanks a lot for be with us!


- ALEJO CARDENAS : Thank you very much!. It´s a pleasure!.

- FMR : Ok Alejo, where you from and how the proyect of INHERITOR begins?

- AC : I’m Colombian-american; I was born in Los Angeles CA but I was raised in Bogota Colombia….both of my parents are Colombian as well, and I’ve lived there most of my life; so you could say I’m Colombian at heart….Inheritor started out as a female fronted melodic metal band in Bogota, were we worked and played for a few years and were we produced and released our debut album “from Dust n Passion” in 2010…thins worked out very well, but after a while…it seemed that relocating in the US would be the best thing for the project when it came to “opportunities”….so that’s what happened….right now inheritor is an LA based metal band with a whole new American line up.

- FMR : What are some of your main influences as a band? 

- AC : Well, we all have a different taste in the music that we listen to, but of course we all have a strong metal background going from bands like opeth, at the gates, nightwish and cradle of filth, to classical music, blues and jazz etc.

- FMR : How do you define exactly your band´s style?

- AC : The band has always been qualified as a “melodic death” metal band with a lot of neo-classical and progressive influences….however, with the release of our upcoming album (wich hopefully will be very soon) inheritor will become a “Colombian-folk” metal band.

- FMR : What is the thematic of your last work?, Please, Tell us a little bit of this.


- AC : Well the main purpose of the upcoming album, is to rescue many musical and

traditional elements from the “Joropo” (one of Colombia’s folk-music genres) thru modern music; in this case it would be metal… The album will be called “mestizo” which means mongrel or half-breed…. and it can be considered a tribute to the regions near by the Orinoco river, where most of the traditions remain alive mostly thru oral tradition….most of the lyrics are also based on the ancient legends and/or mythology from the same region….so yes basically the idea is to preserve the roots and traditions from this lands.


- FMR : Do you think that your sound have somenthing new ?


- AC : Well, even though we are not 100% shure; I think the concept on wich the upcoming album is based, and the mix of elements mentioned in the last question has never been done before… highlighting the fact that we would not be just another metal band trying to sound like the “European-folk metal” bands (wich we respect and enjoy a lot) but we are more focused on folk traditions from our own countryes.


 - FMR : What you think will happen with your music?


- AC : Well, of course we want what every band wants…wed like to go on tour and play live in as many places as possible; so we are working hard and doing everything we can to see what happens, and…..I guess will have to find out.

- FMR : What's your favourite album by another band?

 - AC :My favorite album of all times is “the jester race” by in flames


- FMR : Where can people go to get or listen your demo / album?

- AC : Our debut album “from dust n passion” is available on itunes, amazon and other retailers but you can also look for some tracks on the bands youtube chanel……for the physical album people can just contact us on facebook; we can distribute it thru regular mail in Colombia, US and Germany.


- FMR : Please, what websites have the band for people to know you better ?

- AC : We can easily be found on facebook as “inheritor Colombia” we are also on reverbnation, last fm, here are some links:

and this is our youtube channel were you can also check out a mini studio diary for the upcoming album:


- FMR : Great!, this way will be more easy to found Inheritor in the web.


Ok Alejo, Thank you very much for be so kind with us and good luck for Inheritor and for "from dust n passion". Congratulations for your work!!.


- AC : Thank you guys, and congrats for you too for be helping and supporting all the bands. See you soon!!

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